Betway GH Big 6

Betway Big 6 is an exciting yet simple and straightforward game where all you need to do is to correctly predict the correct scores for the selected matches in order to put yourself in a great position to win the jackpot.
You may be wondering how much it costs to play the Big 6, well, the Betway Big 6 is absolutely free to enter. The game is called ‘Big 6’ because it consists of a total of six matches, so in order to participate, you must choose the score of six predetermined matches each week
The Betway Big 6 is strictly a game for Betway GH customers only so in order for you to enter your predictions, you need to login to your account or register if you are not yet a Betway customer.
The matches are usually released a week earlier so you have up to a week to make your predictions up to the kick off of the first game, afterwhich no predictions will be accepted.
Players who correctly predict the outcome and score all six matches will win GHS 50,000 in cash. Should more than one player correctly predict the outcome and score all six matches, the GHS 50,000 cash prize will be shared equally among all winners.
Picks may only be made once and cannot be changed once submitted. Picks will lock 5 minutes before the kick-off of the first fixture.

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